Thursday, December 11, 2008


Inevitable SysAdmin Rumblings

WSJ on Obama picks:

The comments reflect Mr. Obama’s stance that the Bush administration’s handling of conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan suffered from an overreliance on the military and a failure to devote enough resources to political reconciliation and economic development in those nations.
A senior Obama aide said the incoming administration will create teams of diplomats and other civilian officials who can be quickly deployed overseas after natural disasters or political upheavals to help fragile countries get back on their feet.The aide declined to say whether new spending on such teams would be offset by cuts in defense spending, which has increased significantly under President George W. Bush. Many Democratic lawmakers have begun arguing that the economic crisis and the skyrocketing federal budget deficit will force reductions in the Pentagon’s budget, and senior military officials expect their funding to fall significantly.
The national debate has been dancing around the issue for years, with periodic references to civilian response corps or the need for more deployable non-military personnel for SSTR-type missions, which is why Barnett’s evangelism has been so important. At some point, the national debate is going to focus squarely on the problem. We need to be ready when that happens.
This is a perfect case study in the dynamics of making policy. And idea gestates and gets kicked around outside of government with hints of it inside government before a critical mass develops that coincides with the moment becoming ripe inside government. You can’t predict when that latter element will occur, so you prepare yourself, stay productive and keep your eyes peeled.

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