Monday, September 13, 2010


DoD acquisitions flow chart

So Danger Room apparently just had its first exposure to the DoD’s master chart that summarizes the defense acquisitions process. That once chart summarizes JCIDS, the DoD 5000acquisitions system and the PPBE system.

Of course Noah is nearly rendered mute by the over-awing display of bureaucracy - I’m sympathetic, since I had a similar response when I was first exposed to it - but this isn’t news. I saw that chart at least four years ago. It’s been kicking around at least that long. And, while I’m picking nits, it isn’t a powerpoint slide. It never was intended to be one. It is a massive wall chart, as Noah points out in his post, so his title is misleading. [By the way, that other infamous powerpoint slide was a summary graphic from a system dynamics model that had been kicking around for a long time too before it got media attention. Which doesn’t excuse it being used inappropriately - and system dynamics usually IS used inappropriately - but it is an important bit of context.]
Anyway. We’ll have a wave of Daily Show skits about the absurdity of the acquisitions system, which will be fun, but there isn’t anything new here.

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