Of course Noah is nearly rendered mute by the over-awing display of bureaucracy - I’m sympathetic, since I had a similar response when I was first exposed to it - but this isn’t news. I saw that chart at least four years ago. It’s been kicking around at least that long. And, while I’m picking nits, it isn’t a powerpoint slide. It never was intended to be one. It is a massive wall chart, as Noah points out in his post, so his title is misleading. [By the way, that other infamous powerpoint slide was a summary graphic from a system dynamics model that had been kicking around for a long time too before it got media attention. Which doesn’t excuse it being used inappropriately - and system dynamics usually IS used inappropriately - but it is an important bit of context.]
Anyway. We’ll have a wave of Daily Show skits about the absurdity of the acquisitions system, which will be fun, but there isn’t anything new here.
Anyway. We’ll have a wave of Daily Show skits about the absurdity of the acquisitions system, which will be fun, but there isn’t anything new here.