So let their arrogance lead [the Chinese] into situations that their wisdom will eventually rescue them from.
…Primary point of this admittedly snotty rant: don’t get wrapped around the hype. Countries, just like people, grow into roles. Whether they’re “ancient civilizations” or not, their current rise puts them in unfamiliar territory, and no, there ain’t no ancient Chinese secrets for what lies ahead. Everybody is making it up as they go along, because a global landscape with multiple rising, prosperous, and strangely peaceful great powers is completely unprecedented.But it was bought with your US tax dollars, so show some pride and act–as they say in the NFL–like you’ve been in the great-powers’ endzone before. As always: play up to potential and not down to the competition, but respect the competition
Playing the role of mature elder partner is a new role for the U.S., but I think we can do it. I am not as cynical as some who believe we remain a pathologically immature nation.