Friday, September 12, 2014


Airstrikes are like casual sex?

This click-baiting headline from Michael Hayden's CNN interview sparked a hilarious twitter thread. Dan Byman chimed in to credit Eliot Cohen with coming up with the line.

The punchline - both airstrikes and casual sex seem like gratification without commitment - doesn't live up to the titillating lead-in. As a rhetorical device, the simile does a poor job of making a serious point about the use of military power. When deciding to use force, national leaders should not gravitate to the comparatively easy tool of airstrikes before they've thought through how the application of force will help them achieve the nation's goals. That's an important point. Does the simile help convey it? No. Furthermore, by muddying the water with this bawdy simile opens the speaker up to any number of snappy comebacks that obscure rather than illuminate the issue:
Thus ends today's gripe session.

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